My Personal Recruiter 5 Customer Reviews & (4.8/5) Ratings of
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Rummmor stands out as a unique shopping community web app. We're a group of smart shoppers focusing on helpful reviews, shopping experiences, and curated savings. Our members have the opportunity to earn rewards by sharing their My Personal Recruiter shopping insights, guides, coupons, and tips while helping others save money. With Rummmor, you might discover how to get the best shopping experiences at My Personal Recruiter and other favorite online stores. Be part of the excitement with us right now—it's totally free!
Find out why My Personal Recruiter honest reviews are best available on this page:
- Active My Personal Recruiter community. Over the past month, 0 members of our My Personal Recruiter community have contributed by sharing My Personal Recruiter customer reviews. In the last 30 days, our community has been helped by 0 shopper opinions and ratings of shopping at
- Community-driven My Personal Recruiter reviews. Our community members shared 5 feedbacks on shopping experience at Share your My Personal Recruiter review, and you may be eligible for a reward point if other shoppers find it helpful.
- Honest My Personal Recruiter reviews. We currently have 5 trusted reviews for My Personal Recruiter, some shared with images to make the review more independent and trustworthy. You can also read the 0 pinned reviews which may be helpful.
My Personal Recruiter customer reviews
Worth the cost
- The service is very satisfying
- Very professional and expert team
- Easy-to-understand career training
- The price is a little expensive
Useful for 1 Shoppers
Excellent job search platform I've ever met
- Career training that is very helpful
- Informative and solutive team
- Very satisfying result
- Saved a lot of time and effort
- A professionally crafted resume
- Expensive service fee
Useful for 0 Shoppers
A Game-Changer in Job Search
I truly appreciated how well they matched me with jobs aligned with my skills and experience. In such a competitive job market, this gave me a clear edge. They understood my career goals and took me to get my dream job.
However, one downside was the cost of the service, which is pretty high. That said, I felt the results were worth it—securing a better position with a higher salary. For me, the benefits outweighed the price, but I understand that the cost might be a consideration for some.
- It saved me lots of time when I was looking for a job
- Expert guidance
- Increased chances of interviews
- Getting interview calls faster
- The cost might be a concern for some, depending on your budget
Useful for 0 Shoppers
Really elevate my linkedin profile
- A highly skilled and insightful team
- Get a better network
- Expert guidances
- Great features to boost LinkedIn profile more professional
- I think the fees are a bit expensive
Useful for 0 Shoppers
Thankyou AI Resume Builder
- Saving time and money
- The team provided excellent support
- Helped land a job sooner than expected
- No resume templates
Useful for 0 Shoppers
My Personal Recruiter review FAQ
Is My Personal Recruiter legit?
With a rating score of 4.8 out of 5 from 5 customer reviews on Rummmor, My Personal Recruiter is most likely a legitimate, safe, and trustworthy merchant. This aggregate rating is based on reviews we have collected from members. The Rummmor team manages the system and does its best to minimize and eliminate fake reviews.
However, it is better to read all of the My Personal Recruiter reviews and find out for yourself whether My Personal Recruiter is really a legit shop and safe for shopping. The decision to shop at is yours, Rummmor is not responsible for your purchase.
What is the best alternative to My Personal Recruiter?
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Where is My Personal Recruiter located?
How to contact My Personal Recruiter?
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Where can I request a refund?
What if I am not satisfied with the services?
How much should I pay for a consultation?
About our My Personal Recruiter reviews
Today, we have 5 verified My Personal Recruiter reviews available for, allowing you to make a smarter buying decision. On average, shoppers rate 4.8 for ordering, 4.2 for pricing, 5 for service, & 5 for delivery when purchasing at My Personal Recruiter.